

Wednesday cleanup

Some days you just need some time off, just have a face mask, just take care of yourself. Today was that kind of day, I tidied my room (which is something I sadly have to do each week) and also, I did my nails!
I love nail art and have made some pretty cool things in the past, I will add pics if I find them.
Today's nails aren't that special but with the rainy weather from the past days I though I needed a little summer vibe. I first used a base coat (cause you don't want no yellow nails), let it dry, applied some sticky tape on my nails and painted over it to just color the tip, which kind of makes it look like you just dipped them in the polish jar ^^
I finished with a matte topcoat because I don't really like shiny nail polish, also the effect of a matte top coat is just really nice.


Welcome back Monday

Oh man it has been a while.
I've been busy with all sorts of things, and I kind of just forgot about this little project of mine, about sharing what I do to whoever finds it here ^^

Lately I have done a lot of drawings, to not pile them up all at once I will start off with a character I worked out recently.

I wanted to make a simple yet interesting figure to do a movement studies. It's a little aggressive character without any (visible?) arms or legs,but a cape which allows a lot of movement and attitude in the pictures. 
I tried out a total different style of drawing and also I have never actually done these kind of movements, the cape most definitely needs some more work.. But I am kind of proud of what I have so far ^^

... Also as soon as I get home I will add a digital colored version of the character!


Weekend in Munster

2 weeks ago I spent the most lovely day in Munster with my good friend Eliza. She lives in Poland so we can not see each other that often. The weather was amazing, the sun was shining all day. We went shopping till we got bored, then went off to the lake to watch the sailboats.

As always when I travel I brought a throw away camera and the photos we made that day are gorgeous.
I like throw away cameras because I prefer the analog effect to digital, and also I love the mystery of making a picture and not knowing if anyone had his eyes closed or even if it is in focus.
And then there is that moment where you can pick up your pictures from the developers....
Ah well here are some pictures!

(By the way I recently bought myself a new simple analog camera on Ebay,,
I hope it will arrive soon so I can post more messages on photography.)

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