20120316 - Friday Nails.
This Friday I had a family dinner and afterwards a crazy party, I thought I would do some nice manicure. (Also I was crazy tired and it was either that or just lying in bed till 6 ^^). It may not be the prettiest thing but the effect was quite awesome, as I put Aluminium foil on my nails!
The first layer was a base coat (I always use it and without it my nails would have looked a whole lot worse) and a second layer of random nail polish. With the polish still wet I put on small pieces of Aluminium foil (which I wrinkled before) and stuck it on.
Stupid me didn't make a picture when it was all fresh and perfect and the Aluminium got loose on some places, it might be better to put actual nail foil on, but for now this was a nice experiment.
20120317 - Saturday Turtle.
As seen in last post I have been working on a new crochet figure shaped like a turtle.and Saturday I finally got to finish the little creature, without the shield it looks a little sad, and it might be a little tiny but with the shield it is the cutest thing ever!
I haven't decided on the face yet so for now it is just a faceless monster (still the cutest thing).
20120318 - Sunday Bracelet.
Sundays are for cleaning my room usually, and as always it will take up all day because you just keep finding interesting things! This time I didn't find that much but it was just a crazy mess, it happens sometimes ^^What I did find were two small pieces of embroidery thread in a salmon/pinkish/orangy color (I have no idea what to call it, but it is perfect for Springtime).
I thought it would be cute for a tiny bracelet so I braided it in a four-strand-braid, started with a loop and ended with a button I found while cleaning - in the exact same color! Sometimes when you create something you just know it will be good, even if it is simple ^^