

Thursday Posting

Oh it is really hard to remember to post on your blog.. But good news, I have been doing a lot of things and finished my long time projects! So let's get straight to it.

20120316 - Friday Nails.
This Friday I had a family dinner and afterwards a crazy party, I thought I would do some nice manicure. (Also I was crazy tired and it was either that or just lying in bed till 6 ^^).

It may not be the prettiest thing but the effect was quite awesome, as I put Aluminium foil on my nails!
The first layer was a base coat (I always use it and without it my nails would have looked a whole lot worse) and a second layer of random nail polish. With the polish still wet I put on small pieces of Aluminium foil (which I wrinkled before) and stuck it on.

Stupid me didn't make a picture when it was all fresh and perfect and the Aluminium got loose on some places, it might be better to put actual nail foil on, but for now this was a nice experiment.

20120317 - Saturday Turtle. 
As seen in last post I have been working on a new crochet figure shaped like a turtle.
and Saturday I finally got to finish the little creature, without the shield it looks a little sad, and it might be a little tiny but with the shield it is the cutest thing ever!
I haven't decided on the face yet so for now it is just a faceless monster (still the cutest thing).

20120318 - Sunday Bracelet.
Sundays are for cleaning my room usually, and as always it will take up all day because you just keep finding interesting things! This time I didn't find that much but it was just a crazy mess, it happens sometimes ^^
What I did find were two small pieces of embroidery thread in a salmon/pinkish/orangy color (I have no idea what to call it, but it is perfect for Springtime).

I thought it would be cute for a tiny bracelet so I braided it in a four-strand-braid, started with a loop and ended with a button I found while cleaning - in the exact same color! Sometimes when you create something you just know it will be good, even if it is simple ^^


Thursday Planning

Oh my it has been a while since my last post,
but fear not, I am not sitting still!

The reason is that I have started a few long-term projects, and I do not like to post half-finished products!

So what kind of projects?

The first is a new crochet figure.
As my mum has all different kinds of wool thread, usually I just pick a random type (this time it was a think grey white wool blend) and take it with me.
I started with a shape that could be a dogs head, but then I found the needle I used was too thin and the result was a very solid shape.I found the texture and color would be great for a turtle shell, so that's what I made!

(the Ikea pencil is a size reference ^^)
I really liked to follow my own view instead of copying from the book, and now that I finished the shell I am working on a small turtle shape that can be inserted into the shell, maybe I will even make different colored ones (if I have time).

The other project is for a present.
My little brothers birthday will come up soon (19th fo March), when I asked him what kind of present he would like he told me he needs a new poster, because he hates the empty walls in his room (and his girlfriend doesn't like the sexy-lady-posters he has now).
Of course I could buy a poster, but that is no fun..
As my brother really likes Pandas I have to add at least one panda-like shape to the poster, and after some brainstorming I finally got the most brilliant idea!
But naturally I can not post this until I handed him the gift, but trust me he will love it!


Wednesday Illustrating

So yesterday I decided to make a digital illustration using Illustrator.
Most of the time I work in Photoshop, but I thought it would be good to improve my illustrator skills!
I started off with a pencil drawing, scanned it in and went on from there. I didn't exactly hold on to the original drawing, but I am really pleased with the result.
I might tweak some parts but I think it is good enough to post here :)

I don't know exactly what the meaning of the image is, or the feeling I wanted to capture. The colors and all just made sense and It is just really a result of some nights without a lot of sleep.


Thursday Writing

Yes! Time to do another post,
some interesting weekend that was with party,,,
and friends..
and also a lot of THIS... haha

But as this blog is about the things I create I will now get serious ^^

I visited my friend Jeroen to for some drinks and to give him his very late birthday gifts. I gave him socks and the drawing from last post, and,, I think he was very pleased with the gift.
And he also had a gift for me.
 Jeroen is not just my friend and an interesting person, this man is the creator of the Munnen.
Munnen can best be described as,,,, ehh,, well just check them out on
Inspired by his creatures and a Mun made of fabric a friend of his created, I decided to make my own Mun in crochet. I made the shape first and after that I put on the black lines with a sewing needle. Maybe not the straightest line but I like it still ^^
As I am getting better at the technique of crochet it was time to go free-form and create the shape without any guides, and it worked out really well!

Another thing I created this weekend was a bracelet.
I found an interesting braiding technique called Kumihimo. By using a tool called the Kumihimo board you can lock the different strands of wire. When you move the wires in a certain order a nice tight
braid can be made, this technique works on a lot of different materials which makes it very interesting.
As I do not own a Kumihimo board I created my own from some Styrofoam (but for next time I will make a cardboard one) and an ornament to weigh the braid down. I used embroidery thread because of the brilliant colors, I found the braid a little too thin and therefor I decided to braid around a thick piece of string. 

I am pleased with the result, when you get the hang of it the technique is quite easy and I definitely think I will use this technique another time. 

As I left the bracelet(/friendship band) at the party I can only show a picture of the Styrofoam creation and the colors I used. Sorry for that ^^

I will post a picture when I get it back.


And sunday was a day of rest. A lot of sleep and slowly cleaning out my room.
For some reason I decided to move a little cupboard from the wall in an angle in the corner and it changed the whole feel of the room, maybe some sort of positive feng shui? I don't know :)

The creation of the day was an old cute silverish necklace I had tweaked by adding a red heart-shaped bead.. As my mood always changes the way I look to color, now that Springtime is so near somehow my colorstyle of the moment is very orangy/ red, any color in that range. 
Might be noticeable in the things I create, who knows!


Friday Drawing

Some months ago my friend Noortje had purple hair and she really wanted me to draw her,
I saw it as a challenge and was thinking about different ways to execute the picture.
At first I really wanted to use the purple color and thought of using Photoshop, maybe Illustrator..
But in the end I just grabbed a bunch of grey pencils and started to reproduce the picture. As it was the first time I made a drawing this realistic, I was a bit worried but I found it worked really well and was amazed with the result.
It may not be the exact image but it does capture the strong eyes she has, and I think Noortje really liked it!

And yesterday I made a pencil drawing of an other friend, 
for his birthday gift I wanted to draw him but so far I haven't found the time to do it.
Because I knew the first one looked real nice I thought it would be a great gift.
It is nearly finished but I will show it after I handed the picture, I do want it to be a surprise!

Here is the picture I made for Noortje (original Photo is done by her mum, Vivian van Oorschot)

And the drawing I made for Jeroen.

Because he was smoking pipe in the picture I decided to do a reference to Rene Margritte and write:
ceci nést pas un pipe?
Mais non! c'est un Joen
(my nickname for Jeroen :)


Thursday Photos

Some time ago me and my friend Romi decided to do a photo-shoot,
just for fun, for me to have some nice profile pictures
and for my friend to add some work to her portfolio.

Prior to the shoot we(actually just Romi) had decided on a color palette
and some attributes we wanted to the pictures.
Because we didn't think of actual poses there was a lot of improvisation,
but also a lot of fun making weird faces trying out silly shots.

For the shoot we planned to have a lot of make up but what exactly wasn't clear, so much fun we had with 'painting' our faces, but I think in the end we did some fine work!
I must say it is very hard to keep a straight face with a camera on, or to look angry or flirty in a camera, or just to keep the eyes open! haha.

For now I can only show the moodboard we made for the shoot, I will add some pictures later!


 So here are the final pictures, very strange they are :)